Our server provides you with a variety of programming languages. Each channel dedicated to language has a description where we have the best to our mind free books, courses, and tutorials for you.
Groups are created to make it easier to find people who are interested in the same field you are in. As well as programming languages channels, in the description for each group, we have lots of free material for you to read and watch to get into the topic you want.
The way we see this is that communication is the key. We create opportunities for people to connect and create together. Learning programming is not easy to do, but we try to do everything we can to make it more interesting and less challenging to do. This community created for people to create real projects, work together, give and receive help. Don't hesitate and join our Discord server!
This project was created to make education easier. I know lots of people myself who decided not to do programming because of how hard it is to find needed information. This project is the solution to this and many more problems you have on your way to becoming a programmer.
Discord server is dedicated to helping each other and making education an exciting thing. On this server, you will find a huge amount of useful books, videos, and guides about different programming languages. Each programming language has its own thread where people can ask for help, or help others.
We are happy to help you with any problems you might have. This blog is a place where we share what interesting tools we found, what problems we solved, what interesting ideas we have. It is a place where we share our experiences with you. We do our best to make your programming experience better!